Shivalik Supercrete Tile Adhesive
We are leading manufacture of high quality grey cement based tile adhesive.We use high quality grey cement and raw materials in the manufacturing process under expert care.
Our products are lab tested which provides reliability and high adhesion. We peovide 20kg packaging option in the SUPERCRETE tile adhesive.

Areas Of Application
This product is suitable for application of ceramic/ vitrified / natural stone tiles on floor and wall up to 15 ft height.
Floor: 4-6kg weight tile / marble
Wall: 4-6 kg weight tile / marble
Product Specification
1.Color & appearance: White
2.Pot life: up to 1 hour
3.Shelf Life: 1 year
4.Foot Traffic: In 24 hours
Note: Above result depend upon weather and site condition.
Key Benefits and Features
High Performance multipurpose tile adhesive for internal and exterior wall / flooring.
·Ready mixed German polymer cement-based powder.
·Provides strong bonding of tiles / natural stone with no vertical slip at different temperature.
·Quick and ready to use
·Easy workability
·No curing required